Thursday 10 July 2014

Tracking Macros Made Easy

Hopefully by now you have a general idea on how to calculate your macros. Knowing your macros is important but making sure you’re actually able to hit your numbers everyday in a busy lifestyle is even more important. It may seem like a hassle to track you macros and record every meal everyday, but hopefully the simple tips I share with you in today’s blog will make your life a little bit easier.

So now that you know your macros how exactly are you supposed to hit them every day? Do you walk around with a calculator and journal recording your every meal? How can you make tracking your diet simple and convenient?
Make your life easier!!

A lot of people tell me they don’t have time to track their diets because they’re so busy with work, school or whatever priorities they have. It is important to remember fitness isn’t a “part-time” hobby. If you want to be successful, It has to be a lifestyle. Success doesn’t come from the 1 hour you go to the gym; it all depends on how you spend the other 23 hours. There are simple steps you can take to make tracking macros more convenient, just be patient and disciplined and eventually it WILL become a habit.

Tracking macros

The best way to track macros is to download a fitness app. There are many apps out there Myfitnesspal is probably the most popular. Even with the app it may seem inconvenient to track every single thing you put into your body. The trick is to Prepare BEFORE HAND. Personally what I do is wake up first thing in the morning and look at what food I have available in my household. Once I know what food options area available to me I start simulating the meals I will have that day on my fitness app. Start by entering all the meals you think you’re going to eat throughout the day. Once you’ve entered all the meals look at how many grams of carbs, fats and proteins you have and look at how many calories you will have at the end of the day. If your numbers are off, start making adjustments. If you see that you’re over your carb goal look at your daily diary and take out some of the foods containing carbs and replace them with foods that will better help you reach your macros. Keep making these adjustments until your macros and calories are where they need to be OR as close to it as possible. Remember don’t stress if your numbers are slightly off. Just like you don’t get fat from one bad meal, you wont get in shape from eating one good meal either. Be Precise as possible, and more importantly be CONSISTENT!

Tracking your macros get easier over time so don’t stress if it initially feels like too much work. The reason it gets easier is because even though nobody eats EXACTLY the same foods everyday, they have a general arsenal of foods they consume day-to-day. After the first week or so, once the foods you most commonly eat are saved onto your fitness app, it becomes a lot easier to start tracking. Instead of re-entering the foods everyday, it gets saved onto the app, so you just scroll down your database and enter the food into your diary. The most important thing is to understand that you need to make it a HABIT. Once you start tracking your macros on consistent bases it becomes second nature.

When you register with myfitnesspal, the app gives you your daily macros. DO NOT follow the macros it suggests, as they are very inaccurate most of the time. Figure out your own numbers using the calculations from my last blog or another RELIABLE Macronutrient calculator, and manually enter those macros into the app.

Pre-preparing meals

If you have a busy life style the best thing to do is pre-prepare your meals either the night before going to bed or waking up a little earlier and doing it before you start your day. After you’ve simulated your daily meals and made your adjustments, you can start actually making the meals. Take into consideration how often you’re going to be eating, I recommend eating after about every 3-4 hours. By breaking down your macros into smaller meals not only does it make it easier for your body to break down the food and ensure you don’t OVEREAT, but also you will have a steady flow of nutrients in your body throughout the day.  Lets face it EVERYONE has a busy lifestyle, so saying that “I Don’t have the time to eat in the morning or prepare meals” is a bad excuse. You have to learn to be disciplined and start waking up a little earlier. These little habits you develop ARE EXACTLY what’s going to contribute to your eventual success.

Why Track Macros?

You might be wondering if it is even necessary to track macros, why cant you just eat healthy and clean food every day? The truth is you can. Not everyone who has a well-developed physique got that way from tracking their macros down to the last calorie every day. A lot of people DO just eat healthy. HOWEVER, if you find that despite doing this you still aren’t seeing the results you SHOULD probably consider tracking your macros.

A good way to put this is if you think about what happens to a person when they get pulled over for DUI. The Cops usually ask you to walk in a straight line in one direction. Tracking your diet is similar to this. If you don’t track your macros and try to just eat healthy, yes you WILL be walking in the right direction but you will also be stepping off that line quite often. By just eating healthy and not tracking your macros you’re more likely to make mistakes in your diet, which will in time hinder your progress. When you track your macros and know EXACTLY what’s going into your body you can rest assured the results WILL come, and come a lot faster. Tracking your macros not only ensure you’re walking in the right direction, but also that you’re staying on that line the whole time.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against people who just eat healthy and don’t really track macros. The truth is, once you developed the habit of tracking your macros, and know exactly what to eat it becomes a routine. At that point you could even stop tracking your macros since you’re most likely eating the same or similar meals day in day out. Personally I track my macros for only a few weeks, once it becomes a habit, I just continue to eat the same everyday and I’m still hitting my macros without the hassle. If you stop tracking your macros and just eat the same or similar foods everyday I still recommend you calculate your macros every now and then just to ensure you are still hitting your numbers.

Tracking your diet WILL be difficult and inconvenient in the beginning, but I PROMISE you it gets easier. Once you develop the habit and routine it becomes second nature, and once you see the fruits of your labor in the gym, you wont mind putting in the effort to track your meals.

With all of that being said, lets take a moment to appreciate Jen Selter.

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